Sunday, September 19, 2010


Read this:


Now read this: boo-fucking hoo.

Seriously: I don't give a shit.

Some girl got kicked off a squad cuz mom bitched about the cheer being too racy. Granted, I kinda agree with her.

What gets me is it got blown out of proportion and into a media circus, which has gone on for the past week!

The solution is simple, or at least to me.

"Hey kiddo guess what? I'm taking you out of cheer squad and putting you in Ninja Squad."

"But why daddy? I want to be a cheerleader."

"Well kiddo, they are going to grow up to be snobby whiney bitches. You don't want to be like them, and I'd be happier you weren't one anyway. Besides, this way, when you are older, you can kick their bitch asses, which is WAY MORE fun than Cheer. Right? YAY! NINJA SQUAD"


I know I'm going to make a GREAT dad. LOL.

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