Sunday, September 19, 2010

This is what happens when I am totally bored at work

I write...dun dun: FICTION.


0213 HOURS

Xander stood in the command center by his work station, blue orbs fixated to the forward wall where four large television screens displayed various data: one a news feed, one a map of a complex, another a live sat feed of what looked to be a road map and another a digital road map. He was tired: he was running on three hours sleep, evident by his sunk in eyes, clenched teeth and the empty tall energy drink can on his desk.

"Ghost and Phantom to Bravo 1" said a baritone voice of the SATCOM System. "Do you copy?"

Xander put on his ear-bud headset onto his right ear, the mic near his lips. "Gotcha Ghost. Go ahead."

"Gearing up. They are out there tonight."

"Roger that. Whats your 20?"

"In the grove."

Xander sat at his terminal and reviewed the map in cross-reference to the sat feed. The show was about to go begin....


"Bravo 1 to Ghost. SITREP" said Xander, eyes fixated to the satfeed. It had been a while since Ghost Team checked in.

"Say wha?"

Xander blinked. "Situation report please."

"8 people in the target location. 6 males, 2 females. No bite on the decoy."

"You are on Recon?" Xander said, arching a brow. What the heck? This is supposed to be a strike.

"Negative. Waiting for someone to go for the bait. And then it's on. We are approximately 100 meters away from the targets."

"Got a extract on standby at the reccomended rally point?"


Xander punched in a command algorythem and a few blips showed up on the sat feed. One signified the target location, the other ghost Teams position, and their primary evac and extraction route should something go wrong.

"Roger that..." Xander said. "I'm showing you 100 yards west at the evac point trail..."

"Affirm. Ghost out."

Xander clenched his teeth. He was slightly nervous. This was a test of their new SATCOM Logistics software. He had people out there, and he felt more helpless being so far away instead of out there in the field with them. Still, he was confident they would be ok for now, however he knew should it go wrong, people were relying on him to relay proper information so that they get home safe.


Time for the next check in.

"Bravo 1 to Ghost. " Xander said into his headset.

"Go for ghost" squawked the COM System.

"Got a update. Be advised if you are compromised your evac route is 126 yards...I hope you can run it if it goes to shit..." Xander said glaring. Ghost had been injured the other day with 2 cracked ribs yet INSISTED on carrying out his Op.

"I can make it out. Trust me."

Xander began scanning over the map, showing real-time 3D topographical imaging. "Copy that. If not I'm working on a secondary egress 284 degrees west north west but its 213 yards through a wooded area...I can't believe I'm running op logistics from across the nation...."

Ghost came back laughing over the COM Radio. "Thats the shit. Thats why you are the leader." Xander himself couldn't believe it.



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