Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Holy smokes.

I've actually done it: I have created a real blogspace.

First, they were on my space.

Then I got to facebook.

But then I ran into some issues:

My mother, great aunt, etc. added my facebook account. They would see some of the mean, insane, sometimes terrifying things I would write in my notes. Sometimes they made you laugh, sometimes they straught out offended you. Before they always thought of me as that angelic guy they know, but here they would get a in-depth look of what they were dealing with that few people actually see.

You can imagine the reaction I face.

So I moved all operations.

Best of all, it isn't entirely about me, it's about *points to the reader* YOU! Yes, you. The one who is wasting your time actually reading this. Apparently people like my stories of my chaotic life. I didn't believe it at first: people actually read this crap?

But yes, you do. Some you have been reading my stories from back when I was on myspace. So here it is, I, Xander, the Happiest Loser, am declaring this 50% READER DRIVEN!

Thats right. If you want me to write about something, you can comment here or at thehappiestloser@yahoo.com and I'll work it in.

Want to leave a comment, idea, question, insult, your phone number(Just kidding...I'm engaged to a lovely woman whom I love very much...unless you are Penelope Cruz lol XD)? You are free to do so!

So fasten your seatbelt, let the fun begin!

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